
Fresh Goods

by 32

Should you decide that your full XTR drivetrain is a bit pedestrian you may want to look at spicing it up with Shimano's Yumeya collection. Benefits include more white and gold detailing, a small weight saving and helping out our ailing economy. Not for the thin of wallet.
Yumeya does come in very pretty boxes if that helps you justify the outlay. Sim has plans for this haul.
Bontrager Satellite Fusion Gelfoam gloves, designed to ease pressure on your palms. They also have an impressive amount of snot wiping material. Good work Bontrager.
Prototype waterproof jeans from Howies with an important public service announcement.
Mavic have an extensive range of shoes and clothing this year. Here we have the quite distinctive Fury XC shoes. No, we haven't Photoshopped the photo.
The Mantra is slightly easier on the eye than the Fury. Quite Tron like.
The Mantra is available with a specific overshoe that fits the sole perfectly.
Mavic Switchback jersey, in non-eye-watering green.

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