Danny MacAskill returns…

by 29

The moniker ‘internet sensation’ gets chucked around a lot these days but Danny MacAskill’s video back in April 2009 has probably done more to bring mountain biking to the attention of the YouTube masses than anyone else. If a non riding work colleague asked you if you’d seen “that biking video” then you could be pretty sure which biking video they were on about.

(c) Andy McCandlish/Red Bulll Photofiles

After turning down high profile interviews in America, the Inspired Bicycles rider has starred in promo videos for VW and Doves, but it’s been a bit quiet on the riding video front. Turns out he’s been quiet because, along with Red Bull, he’s been working on a little something special. That something has been Way Back Home, with Danny taking a trip journey from Edinburgh to Skye, resulting in a spectacular seven minutes of trials-meets-BMX-meets-mountain biking madness. Get your eyes around this…

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