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  • mmmmm….. ja oder nein…..
  • alpin
    Free Member
    Free Member

    Too heavy for racers. Too expensive for anyone else.

    That'll be a big fat Nein then

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    Free Member

    Lets see:
    I know its only a prototype, but theres a few potential issues I can see

    The computer/screen bit isn't particularly secure (removable by hand with no catches). Someone could pinch it? It could fall out as the bike is carried/rattled up a chairlift? leaving you with a locked damping valve

    In a crash you could smash the screen off/smash the touchscreen/cut the cable(s), leaving you with a locked damping valve

    The battery could run out, leaving you with a locked damping valve

    That screen is very prominent, with a decent rear wheel spin out or slipping off a pedal, your groin could well impact into it ..

    How will you tune the settings of lockout, XC, AM, FR, DH etc .. to your exact preference? Do you need to plug it into a computer?

    If you're spending eg £900*(+) on a high end fork with rebound, compression, high and low speed damping adjustments, are you most likely going to be pretty 'into' biking taking a big interest in how the fork works? and be willing to read the manual and learn how the settings affect how the fork works? Rather than just labelling it as confusing?

    *eg a Fox with hi and low speed damping (RC2) is about that isn't it?

    The travel mode thing just appears to ETA with an electronic switch? No big deal?

    A touchscreen? I thought they didn't work if you are wearing gloves? Or you hand has mud on, or the touchscreen has mud on ..

    I like the electronic 'brain' idea though, using acclerometers it should be more sensitive, react quicker than specialized's hydraulic brain system

    Free Member

    who the funk decided to call it Simon?

    Free Member

    S.I.M.O.N. stands for something, though I can't remember what

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