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  • something for the veggies to chew on………..
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    Horizon right now bbc2

    did meat make our brains grow bigger??

    Free Member

    Probably, but that doesn't mean we need to eat it these days.

    Kimbers is a closet caveman.

    Free Member

    The Trill nibblers aren't going to be happy 🙂

    Free Member

    There's a lot of evidence that brain expansion occurred first on the plains of Africa when we learned how to use tools to get the bone marrow out of whatever the Lions left behind.

    I did a course at university run by these two:

    That basically explained everything much better than horizon. It's the most interesting thing I've ever read, you will think so too. Definitely.

    Free Member

    So does that mean veggies used to eat meat then! They must of got there intelligence and air of superiority from somewhere! 😉

    Free Member

    I've only been watching it for 15 seconds and already it's annoying the hell out of me 🙁

    I actually love meat and would enjoy eating anything I caught – were I not too squeamish and sentimental to kill and eviscerate anything

    Free Member

    flippinheckler – Member

    They must have got their intelligence…

    There you go, fixed that for you.

    Gee I love being so intelligent and basking in my air of superiority. 😉

    Free Member

    If you are too squeamish and sentimental to kill animals you should not be eating meat. Meat is animals and one shouldn't forget this – and yes I have killed and butchered beasts.

    Free Member

    If you are too squeamish and sentimental to kill animals you should not be eating meat.

    I don't

    Free Member

    Bananaworld: do you only eat bananas?

    Free Member

    Were it possible to live healthily on bananas alone, and if I could get a colony of banana plants going on an allotment in this country, I'd certainly consider it!

    Om nom nom.

    Full Member

    Yep, just checked the calendar. It's already the 2nd of the month so we are due a thread knocking eating habits. I am especially looking forward to that picture that says something like 'meat eaters – you are awesome, you don't need a self help group' and some intelligent postings about 'why should I serve vegetarian meals when vegetarian friends come for dinner…they don't cook me meat' etc etc


    Free Member

    If you are too squeamish and sentimental to kill animals you should not be eating meat

    And if you are too squeamish to work down sewers then you shouldn't use toilets 🙂

    Free Member

    And if you are too squeamish to work down sewers then you shouldn't use toilets

    is it OK to shit in the garden ?

    Full Member

    Kimbers is a closet caveman.

    Nope I think he will admit he isn't in the closet.

    Cooking meat seems to have done something major though

    Free Member

    I only saw that "cooking" had helped, not cooking one particular food type. Did everyone else watch a different show to me?

    Free Member

    Time for this again…!

    Free Member

    That was the impression I got by the end of the show too, CK, so I think this thread was started a wee bit prematurely.

    Ho hum, at least it's got the veggie-bashing thread out of the way for the month. Tune in in April for the next installment, Barry!

    Free Member

    Those internet pills not working hora?

    Free Member

    is it OK to shit in the garden ?
    As long as you stay away from anything too prickly.

    Free Member

    If you are too squeamish and sentimental to kill animals you should not be eating meat.

    I don't

    This was interesting, as I'm a lettuce muncher without a squeamish bone in my body. I would relish the chance to chase down, kill, and butcher an animal if I had to. I just don't have to.

    And if you are too squeamish to work down sewers then you shouldn't use toilets

    This was even more interesting, as a rare example of STW actually causing me to question my beliefs. This deft analogy exposes the weakness of the argument that you should be prepared to do something yourself in order to benefit from it.

    I'm still not gonna eat animals till I have to, though.

    Full Member

    Our whole society is now based on removing our "lives" from their impact. Whether that be hunting, killing and butchering animals or treating sewage.

    IMHO if the greater society got to understand how much it costs to build, maintain and run water and sewage treatment in this country "we" may have a better understanding of why tax is essential. And apply this to any other civilisation supporting/creating activity.

    I think of myself as intelligent and open minded. I was amazed though how little I appreciated the cost of water and sewage treatment until I started to work in the water industry. There is a lot of money wasted in red tape, design consultants, reviews etc. But basically our civilisation costs a LOT of money to keep running.

    Free Member

    Oh tosh .
    Man developing . Ok , wimmin too .
    Oh look . A animul we are capable of catching and eating . Furthermore , seeing as how we've mastered the hot thing , we can warm it up a bit .
    Needs salt .

    Following day.
    Blimey . Bit cold today . where all animuls ? . Oh look . Punctuation . Bonus .

    Following day .
    Even colder .
    Are those some seasonal berries we have worked out by trial and fatal error ,wont kill us .
    Dont eat them all , we'll save some for later .
    Later .

    I forgot the puctuation . it's brand new . Sue me .

    Lets eat some more berries . NO WAIT ! . KILL THAT ANIMUL !!
    Oh shit . it got away !! More punctuation . mega .
    Ok . eat the berries then .

    Following day .
    If we be really quiet , and work as a team , A TEAM THAG ! , ( no , a team , not ' the A-Team , that's much later , the mescalin era ), where was I ?
    Same day . cont ….. " A team Thag ! We could sneak up on that big fat newly emergent species over there and AS A TEAM , kill , cook and eat that .

    Result .
    Spread it about a bit , mix it with some berries . We could call it a balanced diet . Fat is utterly vital as an energy source . It'll ensure our survival as a species through the winter . Future civilisations will look on us as being the healthiest of all mankind . Apart from dying young , and that .

    FFWD >>>>>>>>>Ages .

    Manchester . Handlebar mustaches , beards , rippling bodices .

    You know all this socialism is all well and good , but I reckon cows are just not good for you . Lets split off from ordinary opportunistic feeders , what ?

    " We could call ourselves the " Split green pea society ' "

    It'll never catch on ar kid .
    " What about the middle class split green pea society ? "

    Well , i'm sure people will be ok choosing one way or the other . They can be a capitalist farmer foaming at the mouth slave trader , or a eco beardo socialist mushroom nobbler .
    We wont judge them one way or t'otherr r lad .

    Early man R4 joke .
    Fat , Udderly victual .

    Time taken to explain to early woman .
    way too long .

    THAG , hunter of beasts and muncher of berry , died a horrible lonely death at the age of 31 , because he failed to understand the need to pull together .
    A Mammoth fell on him , which is another story ….

    sleep , also vital

    Free Member

    i thought agriculture was the start of civilisation, because we stopped chasing everything hunter/gatherer style and settled down in one place and developed housing, irrigation etc..

    Row 5, column 3.

    Free Member

    Defensive Omnivore Bingo is very funny. I have been in each of those scenarios. 😈

    Free Member

    Its all funny, I'm a carnivore/omnivore I'm happy about it, you're a vegan/piscavore/fruitarian/veggy whatever, I'm happy about that too.

    The biggest problem with us carnivores is that we refuse to admit the obvious, we eat meat for one reason only, we like it. We like the taste, texture and the feeling that an animal has died so they can enjoy this. As far as I can see there is not another really justifiable reason to eat meat, we don't actually need it.

    So I say man up carnivores, stop making excuses about why you eat meat and be proud.

    (PS this isn't irony, its true, I like eating meat.)
    (PPS Muddyfox courier, that was very funny did you write that or was it lifted from somewhere?)

    Free Member

    'why should I serve vegetarian meals when vegetarian friends come for dinner…they don't cook me meat' etc etc

    MrsPP has been veggie for 20+ years, but it quite happy to cook meat for me or any of our guests. I can't stop her! Last night she made meatballs for my brother and his wife. So it follows she should expect the same in return, yes? 🙂

    Some funny lines on this thread…. 🙂

    Free Member

    The biggest problem with us carnivores is that we refuse to admit the obvious, we eat meat for one reason only, we like it.

    Sweeping generalisation, I eat meat because I like it. Though I'm not so sure about the not requiring meat thing.

    i thought agriculture was the start of civilisation, because we stopped chasing everything hunter/gatherer style and settled down in one place and developed housing, irrigation etc..

    Again, not sure that's exactly true either, despite having agriculture no civilisation has (as far as I'm aware) ever stopped doing the hunting thing too, be it for mammals or fish.

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member
    Sweeping generalisation, I eat meat because I like it. Though I'm not so sure about the not requiring meat thing.

    I'm not sure if you sure disagreeing with me or not, I'll assume you are.

    1) Sweeping generalisation – yup I'll agree I was speaking the general, as most others on here are about this topic, generalisations are not a crime per se, were you just making a factual statement about my generalisation or was it a criticism? Sometimes you have to speak in generalisations otherwise I'd have to make 100k odd separate statements to all the potential readers on here, how do you propose I resolve that?

    2) All the non meat eaters in their various forms on here will agree with me that we do not need to eat meat (although I ought to modify that, I think we need fish) I know loads of veggies and vegans who are much healthier than me.

    Free Member

    Sweeping generalisation

    I don't know any omnivores who make excuses for liking meat. Your generalisation doesn't ring true as a general rule for me or my friends. This was my point.

    2) All the non meat eaters in their various forms on here will agree with me that we do not need to eat meat (although I ought to modify that, I think we need fish) I know loads of veggies and vegans who are much healthier than me.

    Sure, but just because some people live without meat for a large percentage of their lives (and claim fish isnt meat, oddly, because it's convenient) doesn't mean we don't need it. Our bodies can cope with different food sources, yes, but were never designed to consistently eat one type of food on some moral whim. People can survive long term starvation and droughts, but it's not advisable either. Your annecdotal evidence to the contrary is quashed by the 3 of the 4 veggies I know who are ill pretty much constantly and rather weak feeble individuals, showing that it is at the very least very difficult to get all the nutrients needed via a veggie diet (though not impossible), and the one that's healthy eats some odd concoctions of man-made chemicals as replacements. That said, most of the omnivores I know are mildly overweight so it swings both ways to some degree.

    I'm not against veggies, each to his own etc, but veggies do have a tendency to try to villify omnis (another one of those sweeping generalisations!), so they should expect some return fire!

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member

    Sweeping generalisation

    I don't know any omnivores who make excuses for liking meat. Your generalisation doesn't ring true as a general rule for me or my friends.

    Ahh well fair enough, as a confirmed carnivore and hunter, in my experience you are like me, a rare breed.

    …the 3 of the 4 veggies I know who are ill pretty much constantly and rather weak feeble individuals…

    Row 5, column 5

    Free Member

    Graham, I was not using it as a reasoning/excuse, I was simply pointing out that there are arguments both ways and that examples of each can be used. It has nothing to do with excuses. Try taking part in the conversation instead of finding an image from the internet and sitting back smugly pointing at commonly used statements as if their presence on your image is somehow proof that they're wrong and you're right 😉

    Free Member

    …the 3 of the 4 veggies I know who are ill pretty much constantly and rather weak feeble individuals…

    whereas I'm veggie and far healthier (in body at least) than most people 🙂

    but veggies do have a tendency to try to villify omnis

    is that even true? I think it's a matter for one's own conscience.

    Free Member

    Coffeking – you see this is why I say you should just propound the "I do it because I like it" theory, anything else will just go into reams of pointless argument.

    As an aside you pointing out that a majority of your veggie mates are weak or feeble is just not scientific and a bit of a worse generalisation from the specific which is a logical fallacy.

    I haven't seen any medical research that correlates vegetariansim with any illness. There is tons of medical research that correlates meat eating with illness. I am not advocatign vegetarianism, I love meat, and killing things for meat, I just want us carnivores to get our arguments straight so we can hold our heads high.

    Free Member

    Any veggies here in favour of fox hunting? Save a few rabbits from a horrible death…

    CoffeeKing, it's just a game.
    The joke is that omnivores come up with the same limited number of comments on veganism, each time thinking they have thought up some witty, original justification for their diet, not realising that we have heard them all hundreds of times before.

    "…there are arguments both ways and that examples of each can be used"

    That's why scientists carry out research, to avoid arguments based on anecdotes.
    However, if you want to swap anecdotes, I'll put this list up against the veggies you know.

    Free Member

    Any veggies here in favour of fox hunting? Save a few rabbits from a horrible death…

    STWer in spectacular missing the point shocker….

    Free Member

    The joke is that omnivores come up with the same limited number of comments on veganism, each time thinking they have thought up some witty, original justification for their diet, not realising that we have heard them all hundreds of times before.

    I understand the "joke", but it's not really much of a joke if all you do is cover every available argument (both reasonable and stupid) – that's just refusing to argue and incorrectly claiming victory and smugness.
    I didn't want to swap annecdotes, that was my whole point and reasoning for putting it there.

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