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  • Teachers striking again!!!!!
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    Now, since you’ve conceded that Cameron himself has not made that claim

    Of course Cameron made the claim that the banks and bankers were responsible for the financial crises ! ……do you think the Daily Telegraph was lying ! 😀

    And why the **** wouldn’t he place the blame for the financial crises on the banks and bankers ? …… they were responsible – the whole **** world knows that !

    Here you are mate, if you want some direct quotes from the man himself :

    “I said then that there should be a day of reckoning for those whose behaviour helped to bring about the financial crisis. A day when we would not flinch from spelling out the rightful consequences of irresponsible behaviour.

    Doctors who behave irresponsibly get struck off. Bankers who behave irresponsibly should face professional consequences.

    Are the Government seriously saying that nothing untoward could have happened over here? How can anyone believe that in the worst financial crisis of our lifetime no proper and thorough investigation needs to happen?”

    Those quotes btw come directly from the Conservative Party main website…….I look forward to you telling me that like the Tory Daily Telegraph, the Conservative Party can’t be trusted to tell the truth concerning what its leader has said ! 😀

    Like it or not Zulu-Eleven, and you obviously don’t, Cameron blamed the banks and bankers for the financial crises.

    Free Member

    Here you are Zulu-Eleven I got more for you…..this time from the Daily Mail ! 😀

    Reckless bankers who caused credit crunch should be prosecuted, says Tory leader

    Quote :

    “Reckless bankers who helped bring the British economy to its knees should face investigation and criminal prosecution, David Cameron said last night.”

    Reckless bankers who caused the credit crunch says the Daily Mail……are they lying too ? !

    Free Member

    So, where does he actually say it Ernie – not what was insinuated, not what newspaper editorials said… Like I said before, actual quotes.

    The Daily Mail article doesn’t not have a quote from Cameron “blaming bankers” – in fact the claims are very specifically qualified with the word “if”

    ‘I also think we need to look at the behaviour of banks and bankers and where people have behaved inappropriately, that needs to be identified, and if anybody has behaved criminally, in my view, there is a role for the criminal law,’ Mr Cameron told Sky News.
    ‘I don’t understand why in this country the regulatory authorities seem to be doing so little to investigate it whereas in America they are doing quite a lot.
    If people have broken the law, if there has been insider dealing, if there has been mis-selling, if there have been any number of criminal activities, there is a role for the Serious Fraud Office and the authorities to investigate and prosecute.

    Thats not a general statement that, as you claim it is, that “bankers are to blame”

    Quotes of something actually said by Cameron (not just of newspaper editorial) or it didn’t happen!

    Free Member

    Quotes of something actually said by Cameron (not just of newspaper editorial) or it didn’t happen!

    I did – I quoted directly from David Cameron – according to the Conservative Party website.

    And what’s this “newspaper editorial” nonsense ? …..those links aren’t to newspaper editorials, they are direct links to articles in both the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail, some of which refers to a Cameron interview on Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News.

    Do you have any idea how absurd and ridiculous your claims that both the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail have falsely represented what the leader of the Tory Party has said, sounds ?

    You’re not accusing the Morning Star of misrepresenting David Cameron, you’re accusing the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail of doing so ! 😀


    Serious question Zulu-Eleven – what is it like to be always wrong ?

    Seriously mate, it can’t be much fun for you. Occasionally I’m wrong and it really doesn’t bother me, but it must be horrendous for you to be wrong all the time.

    Have you thought of changing your politics so that you’re not always wrong…….I know I would.

    Free Member

    Ernie – you specifically claimed that Cameron blamed the bankers.

    You have not demonstrated this, all you’ve demonstrated is that Newspapers blamed the bankers, you’ve been singularly unable to put forward a quote from Cameron directly attributing the blame to bankers.

    Bullshit and spin, As a Labourite, we shouldn’t really expect anything else from you!

    As for your other points – I’ll refer you to an example closer to your own heart – Did Harold Macmillan ever actually say “you’ve never had it so good”? – Despite the fact that he’s reported in every newspaper, and remembered by all for having said it, it does not make it true, he never did say it – and anyone with a decent understanding of politics understands this.

    Free Member

    Good grief, are you sad sacks still spouting off over this?

    Might I suggest a nice meal and a few drinks? Perhaps on the beach? Would certainly make you all CHILL THE F*** OUT a little, I feel.

    Worked for me.

    Free Member

    As a Labourite

    And yet anyone who knows me or reads my posts will know that I do not support the Labour party, nor did I support the last Labour government.

    You just can’t help yourself can you mate ? ……..the truth is as elusive to you as it was to Tony Blair.

    Or your guru Dan Hannan for that matter.

    And be quiet Flashheart…….I’m enjoying this 8)

    Free Member

    Ernie – Clever attempt at weasel words stating you did not support the last Labour Government…

    Have you ever voted for a Labour party candidate in an election? Yes or no.

    Free Member

    Have you ever voted for a Labour party candidate in an election? Yes or no.

    I did more than vote Labour, I worked tirelessly for the election of a Labour government. All that ceased in 1995 when it became clear that the Labour Party had been hijacked by right-wing extremists who were hell-bent on transforming the party into a neo-liberal Thatcherite party.

    In the 1997 general election I canvassed for the LibDems which I continued to support until Nick Clegg became leader. Last election I voted for the Green Party.

    The only exception during that time has been my support on two occasions for Ken Livingstone in the London mayoral elections, and on one of those occasions he stood as an independent against the official Labour candidate. On the second occasion I personally told him that I wouldn’t be voting for him as he was standing as the Labour candidate, despite that, I did actually vote for him. I will vote for again if he stands next election.

    I have consistently attacked and criticised the Labour Party and Labour governments on here, and as someone who reads my posts you are fully aware of that Zulu-Eleven, as I am similarly of your politics. That didn’t stop you however from feigning ignorance and labelling me a “Labourite”.

    As I said, you just can’t help yourself ….. the “truth” is an inconvenient irritant which you feel is best ignored.

    Free Member

    A simple yes would have sufficed Ernie, however clearly you’ve got some issues to work out with the fact that you feel your party betrayed you, so go on, let them out, its good for you – maybe some counselling might help?

    So, on the basis of what you’ve clearly felt you needed to tell us there Ernie, Your earlier claim to not be a Labourite pretty much falls flat doesn’t it, although clearly that would have worked better for you in trying to shake off the epithet of being a spin obsessed bullshitter, and in trying to present a version of the truth that doesn’t actually match that well with the reality of your personal political history (yet apparently its me who has issues with the truth!)

    Great innit – you try to deny being a spin obsessed Labourite, by spinning the truth of your long lasting involvement with the Labour party, and your record of voting for them, to deny it. Thanks for proving my point so succinctly…

    Now, you can choose to present a spinned version of the truth that you’re no longer a Labourite, but its sort of like like saying that leaving the BNP and joining the EDL mean’s you’re no longer a Nazi 😉

    Free Member


    Full Member

    This might actually prove to be the thread that causes Al Gore to switch the internet off.

    Free Member

    ….the fact that you feel your party betrayed you

    Oh bless you Zulu-Eleven …… do make me chuckle 😀

    I have never held individual membership of the Labour party. The most I have ever had is affiliated membership through my trade union. My ‘divorce’ from the Labour Party was quite painless, I can assure you.

    Yes I have worked tirelessly for the Labour Party in past elections, but that’s down to me not being an armchair activist and actually putting my money where my mouth is. Similarly I have canvassed for the LibDems despite never having been a member.

    I do not have to be a supporter of a political party to want them to win an election – I simply work on the basis of what serves the best interests of ordinary working people, and act accordingly. For example, in a totally hypothetical situation where a One Nation Tory was standing against a rabid New Labour Blairite, I might well back the Tory, if it was a choice of a Tory social-democrat over a New Labour neo-liberal. I would certainly vote Tory to defeat the BNP. My allegiance is always, before all else, to my class, not to a political party.

    In the case of the Labour Party I have only ever supported it whilst holding my nose, on the basis that a Labour victory was beneficial to the ordinary man and woman. In fact as Lenin suggested I supported the Labour Party like a rope supports a hanged man. However with New Labour it became clear that the hanged man was very truly dead and the stench from the corpse was no longer tolerable. Lenin always predicted that given enough rope, in other words political power, Labour would hang itself, ie they would fail to deliver and would fail the aspirations of their supporters. So Labour’s failures have never been anything other than expected for me. Thanks for your suggestion of “counselling” though………it was very kind of you 😀

    Free Member

    people using “spinned version of the truth” people that say that are liars.

    Full Member

    Z11,as you well aware, call-me-Dave laid the blame at the feet of the banks,however sod your seeming inability to accept that it was the lead story in the national press; I like the irony of Ernie trawling the right-wing press to back up a point he made in support of the Tory party, only on STW!

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