Matt and Chipps’ Magura Mission

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We’ve just dug out this video from the depths of Matt’s laptop; covered in pieces of mouldy hammered pork and smelling faintly of sauerkraut, it can only be from Eurobike. It shows Magura’s marketing man Martin Schäfer talking to Chipps and Matt about their Mission Performance project, the aim of which is to produce their most efficient, powerful, strong and ergonomically comfortable brake to date. In this phase of the project they were testing the ergonomics and to this end they asked innocent bystanders to reach into the unknown – well, a hole in a wall – and say what feels nice and what doesn’t.

Was it a horrible trap? Are they actually playing Flash Gordon’s Death Game? Does the hole really go through into a neighbouring cubicle? Or is it just a load of brake levers? You’ll have to look at the video to find out.

Sadly, the ever entertaining Martin is off to pastures new. After more than 20 years at Magura, he’s leaving to tackle exciting new challenges within the cycling industry. Replacing him will be Götz Braun who aims to use his long-term marketing expertise in the sporting goods industry to good effect, saying: “I do not only want to keep the ball rolling for MAGURA and using the actual momentum, generated by the Mission Performance and upcoming projects. I will do my very best to keep up staying in close contact with all the press fellows and bike pros out there”

Everyone at Singletrack would like to wish the best of luck to both Martin and Götz in their new roles…

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