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  • Joplin issue
  • steve_b77
    Free Member

    Yeah I know it was inevitable, but yesterday when my bike was sat in the kitchen I could hear a faint hissing noise coming from it – suspecting a puncture or leaky valve I had a good listen round the bike.

    In the end I traced the noise to the Joplin, once the leak stopped the seat post will no longer return to it’s extended limit.

    If you pull the saddle up it stays in place, bit it won’t rise of it’s own accord.

    Is this something that can be sorted at home, or do I need to send it to the importers to get it sorted?

    Free Member

    needs refilled with oil and repreassurised. if it hasnt leaked you could just try topping up the air?

    Free Member

    I’ll give that a go before I go sending it away.


    Free Member

    You might not need to send it off. When I mailed 2Pure about a new seal, they sent me the part FOC, downloaded a service manual from the net and it was a 20 minute job to strip the whole thing down, fit the new seal, oil and pressurise it again.

    Free Member

    Awesome news, guess I’ll strip it when I fit my remote kit.

    Full Member

    So 2pure do reply to emails sometimes then?

    I sent two to info@ and got no response. Called them and was asked to email warranty@ which I did. This was at the start of next week and I’m still awaiting a response…

    Free Member

    I’m not surprised if you sent the email at the start of next week 😉

    Full Member

    the dangers of losing your place in the space time continuum.

    Free Member

    Manual down loaded shall set about if when I’m home again

    Full Member

    steve_b77 – Member

    I’m not surprised if you sent the email at the start of next week

    What can I say! I demand exemplary service and if they can’t anticpate my email it’s frankly not good enough!

    (*for next read last)

    Full Member

    They bumped my email as well… C’mon 2pure your CS rep is going down the swanny!!

    Free Member

    strip it down half way, ie take the screw and 10mm bolt off the bottom, undo locking collar (gold/red) and seperate the black and silver parts, don’t undo any little screws then re-grease and check the air pressure that may solve it first.

    If not a full strip down and check oil levels etc maybe necessary.

    have fun

    Free Member

    which is it, joplin 3 or 4?

    my 4 had a leaky schraeder valve, swapped and repressurised to 35psi iirc whilst equalising the +/- air by depresssing the lever

    That was months ago and all is good

    If the sound/hiss came from the top then its the piston head/lever actuation seal, this goes as a result of not cleaning well enough. This is a 2pure fix only

    Full Member

    this goes as a result of not cleaning well enough.

    Well my Joplin 3 was about 2 rides old when it started hissing from the lever area in exactly the same way as steve_b77’s seatpost so I can’t see how it was not cleaning it enough. That post is currently with 2Pure…sent that to them on 8th April and haven’t heard anything yet.

    Then last Saturday the same thing occured on my other Joplin 3. Emailed them on the 1st of this month but haven’t heard back yet.

    No adjustable posts for me…it’s amazing how you miss them when you haven’t got them 🙁

    Free Member

    depends how shitty it got in the three rides really doesn’t it and also how (if you did) you cleaned it. Also the Seal can be rolled out of position on the joplin 3 if the saddle is pulled up when the post is down

    Full Member

    depends how shitty it got in the three rides really doesn’t it and also how (if you did) you cleaned it

    Summer use….just dust. Cleaned after each ride…it was a new post and after the problems with the other seatpost (The other seatpost had already been to 2Pure) I wasn’t going to risk further returns if avoidable

    That aside, I do not expect even in the shittiest of conditions for a adjustable seatpost to last 2 rides: the fault lies with the seatpost and not the user imho

    Free Member

    Sent mine back to Wiggle after it broke on the very 1st ride. They’ve had it almost 4 weeks and I’ve heard nothing. I’m starting to get angry 👿

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