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  • Van driver tries to hit cyclist
  • gordimhor
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    Unbelievable! and surely enough for the police to take action?

    – Endangering life on a Public Highway
    – Driving without Due Care and Attention

    With Intent…

    Free Member

    err – why didn't the rider just not slow down and get out of the situation in the first place?

    Free Member

    take it to the police. theres enough evidence to warrant them going and having a word with the retard at the wheel.

    Free Member

    err – why didn't the rider just not slow down and get out of the situation in the first place?

    The rider should report it and hopefully the van driver will be prosecuted, however I expect he'll also get some words in his shell-like about making the situation worse. When the van pulled out initially it looks to me like the rider could easily have slowed enough to stay behind the van instead of shooting up the inside (which seemed like a pretty dangerous thing to do).

    Free Member

    I guess he saw red and wanted to have words – don't really blame him.

    Drivers who use their car as a weapon need to be taken off the road. There is no difference from walking round threatening people with a knife, a gun or any other lethal weapon. Doesn't matter if he actually intended to hurt the guy or not.

    After the first swerve into the cyclist, I'd have held back and then got the rozzers in.

    Scary that people like that are on the roads.

    Free Member

    Sadly have to agree, best not to go up the inside of someone already driving like a ****. Wonder if that guy's paid his drive like a **** tax tho…

    Free Member

    Cyclist is riding like a suicidal retard.

    Free Member

    both were in the wrong there. i think the cyclist may have been out looking for that seeing as he had a helmet cam on, cant really see why you would have one on the road otherwise

    Free Member

    No the van driver is a c@nt I would have panel beat the van with a u lock

    Free Member

    Cyclist is riding like a suicidal retard.

    No, he's riding like someone who's just been pissed off by an inconsiderate pr1ck. I would've done the same.
    So many brainless **** in vans around here (I work near there). Probably all over the country, actually.

    You're right about the headcam – there isn't anything else to film around Gosport but idiots in vehicles.

    Free Member

    the guy on the bike held his temper well, i would of at least taken the wing mirror off …… maybe im just an angry person.

    Full Member

    To the OP – when you say 'what an idiot', to whom are you referring to?

    I think the rider didn't do anything too bad before the van pulled out (apart from being slightly too close to the parked cars). Swerving fast inside the van was pretty poor, and the red mist has obviously descended hence the banging on the back of the van and shouting. Thereafter its just a plain road rage argument with lots of testosterone.

    Guessing the van driver reads the Daily Mail, given the 'road tax' comment… 🙄

    Free Member

    I would open the back door

    Free Member

    Incredibly poor roadcraft from the cyclist. Some of the worst I've seen. Another thing – if you go out looking for trouble like he obviously was then you are certain to find it.

    The van driver would have been looking for cars and large vehicles, the cyclist should have know this and expected the van to pull out in front. Anything that happened after it did is 50:50 and the cyclist has a deathwish.

    Free Member

    the red mist has obviously descended hence the banging on the back of the van

    The banging quite clearly happens when the van driver first attempts to hit the cyclist by pulling to the left – perfectly reasonable to hit the van in the circumstances.

    Free Member

    shut up Obi, you're trolling

    Free Member

    Obi_Twa – Member
    Incredibly poor roadcraft from the cyclist. Some of the worst I've seen. Another thing – if you go out looking for trouble like he obviously was then you are certain to find it

    The van driver would have been looking for cars and large vehicles, the cyclist should have know this and expected the van to pull out in front. Anything that happened after it did is 50:50 and the cyclist has a deathwish

    Eh? I can't believe you criticise the actions of the cyclist first over the moron driving the van.

    He was making good progress, positioned well, in clear view of the junction, he anticipated that the van driver could be a complete moron and pull out and was able to stop.

    WTF about the van drivers Roadcraft!!!??

    Especially given his reaction, van driver clearly saw him and decided it was ok to pull out forcing the cyclist to brake to avoid a collision.

    Cyclists (over)reaction not the cleverest but understandable given the circumstances.

    So what would you have done in the same situation? Slowed and let him force his way out presumably? Given him a cheery wave 😉

    Free Member

    Anything that happened after it did is 50:50

    Including deliberately encouraging the cyclist to pass on the inside by driving slowly in the middle of the road, and then attempting to knock him off if he does so, and throwing a bottle at him? Obviously the cyclist is half to blame for those.

    Why bad roadcraft? The only possible point where that is the case is the initial move up the inside, however it's far from clear to me that wasn't simply to avoid running into the back of the van given the speed it pulls out at and how quickly you can stop a bicycle – there's certainly no concerted attempt to overtake on that side. Otherwise the only thing I can see to criticise the cyclist about is the shouting, but given the behaviour of the driver and that he didn't even swear, then I don't really see the problem with that either.

    Free Member

    he wasn't trying to undertake him. the Van driver was trying to force him to pull along side of him so he could ram him. The driver clearly pulled out on him. had the rider been a car, i think the driver would have had a little bit more respect – it shows the attitude of some drivers towards cyclists and its unwarranted but people like arguments! Fair play for the road Tax comments.
    I agree that the Cyclist should have maybe taken it on the chin as an uncourteous van man being a prick but sometimes we can't help ourselves, myself included.

    Full Member

    The van driver shouldn't be on the road, but as a cyclist you have to ride assertively and defensively, this one was just riding aggressively and comes across as a ****t.

    Free Member

    obi thats rubbish, its 50/50 when the van is swerving left and slamming his brakes on is it? Its never 50/50 when vans or cars and bikes have a disagreement is it? One can kill, the other cannot. As bakes said, stop trolling

    Free Member

    I agree with Obi. Loads of stuff like this (and worse) happens on my daily commute. You've just got to go with it, while those 2 were bitching a real accident could have happened, while they're not concentrating on the road. Driver is a cock – but some are, and as a cyclist you can't afford the red mist.


    Loads of stuff like this (and worse) happens on my daily commute

    I mean the original incident (van pulling out)
    EDIT Nick +1

    Free Member

    Don't be a roadie stick to the hills. Sorry I'll head back to my cave.
    Ps show the fuzz the video they know best

    Free Member

    I cant see it being anyone's fault but the van drivers.
    The cyclist has the option to slow down and let the van out, this is true.. but he didn't and the Van cant assume he will. The van driver is truly outrageous after this point, easy to be a big man tucked up inside a metal box while the cyclist is exposed.

    Being ultra critical of the cyclist I would say he could have handled it better, simply for his own safety.

    Free Member

    Drivers who use their car as a weapon need to be taken off the road. There is no difference from walking round threatening people with a knife, a gun or any other lethal weapon. Doesn't matter if he actually intended to hurt the guy or not.

    I wish the law agreed with you, had a very close call with an undertaking driver who really just decided to ignore the fact I was riding in the 'cycle' lane he decided to use to advance past about 5 cars, I lifted his windscreen wiper as I rode past in traffic, he intentionally drove into me a little later, I took a trip over the bonnet and he drove off, had witnesses, police pulled him over and arrested him, the lot.. It went to court and he got 3 points and a £70 fine?!?!

    Free Member

    Well done for the reasoned response " road tax hasnt existed since 1937" I can only ever manage expletives. Also very good video quality.

    You should report the incident, it will be interesting to see what the police do. Keep us updated.

    Free Member

    Ok – i'll put it another way. Two wrongs dont make a right. We all know that people drive like bell ends, so we should make allowances for this and not be surprised and act angrily when it happens.

    Full Member

    Obviously the van driver's fault… But I'd never in a million years go up the inside of him like that, if I ever fall for something like that it'll be the last day I ride on the road. It's not enough for it to just be someone else's fault, that doesn't unbreak you.

    Or to put it a different way, when your entire protection consists of a layer of lycra, don't get in a fight with 2 tons of steel, no matter who's in the right.

    Full Member

    gavinb i was referring to the van driver idiot being the most flattering description of him I could think of. I dont think the cyclist should have shouted at the van when it pulled out but considering what happened after I think he kept pretty calm someone in the van threw a bottle at him as well

    Free Member

    imo, yeh i would of stayed behind the van until it was clear to take over but when he trys to get round him the 2nd time the van should not of made matters worse.. defo report him, you got his number plate! nice cam btw

    Free Member

    Once you start banging on people's vehicles, be prepared for the consequences. Up until then, nothing had really happened. The van driver was far from blameless, and things escalated badly, but I do get the feeling the rider was looking for something to take offence at.
    Deep breath and let it go – part of being a good road user is making allowances for others' cock-ups.

    Free Member

    Just to give another story of cycling and other road users. I was out on the road bike last week, turning right at a roundabout. A taxi was coming the other way, and I could tell he hadn't seen me (his attention had been taken by a man running across the road with a young boy, even though there was a crossing 50 yards up the street). So I slowed right down, and sure eneough he entered the roundabout, and only saw me at the last minute, slamming his brakes on. he said sorry through the glass, but I just scowled at him, as I was a bit pissed off (just as much with the guy crossing as with him)

    50 yards up the road (on an uphill) he stopped the car, got out and as I passed said he "was really sorry mate". I smiled said no problem, it happens, and we both went on our way, happy, so its not all bad on the road 😀

    Full Member

    'There is no difference from walking round threatening people with a knife, a gun or any other lethal weapon'.

    As FB said, there is. A vehicle is by far the best way to attack someone. Very safe for the driver and you get off VERY lightly.

    Hear too many cases of people deliberately driving into (even over) people, causing serious damage, leaving them, getting caught eventually and getting off with just a fine and points of license!!!!!

    Madness I tell thee

    Full Member

    What a psycho! typical roadcyclist haters popping up to have a go. Banging on side of van may not have been the best idea but Id have been tempted and if you look the van swerves right over to the left before the rider does anything. Lets face it the guys tapped the van panel with his hand, why does he deserve the attempt to injure/kill him with over a tonne of van?
    Riding the other week a van driver slammed on and nearly pulled over to remonstrate with/hit me, why? cos I gave him the finger when he suggested I should be riding over in the gutter – presumably so he could overtake me without slowing whilst approaching a blind bend. Fortunatley there were two of us so he changed his mind and sped off.

    BTW the "road tax doesnt exist" argument might be true and valid but saying that to meatheads in motors isnt gonna get you anywhere – and you sound like a bit of a ponce, better of just saying "yes I do I've got a car aswell" or "I pay by co2 emissions same as everyone else ie zero".

    Full Member

    Regardless of what the cyclist did, and whether it was stupid or not, private individuals do not have the right to attempt to inflict capital punishment on others purely because they have been inconvenienced.

    Free Member

    if you go out looking for trouble like he obviously was then you are certain to find it

    Even in zoos?

    Free Member

    Surely the cyclist should have run into the back of the van knocking himself unconcious, allowed himself to be prosecuted for causing damage and then be run over by following motorists.
    Followed up by a public flogging and an apology to motorists everywhere for being on the road! 🙄

    The van driver deserves a visit.

    Free Member


    What a psycho! typical roadcyclist haters popping up to have a go.

    I am not a roadcyclist hater – I do way more road miles than offroad miles and would hazard a guess that there arent many people on here do more road miles than I do.

    Free Member

    I'm with obi-twa on this, Ok cyclist got cut-up but there's no point looking for trouble.

    Driver clearly an idiot but do you think an argument with a cyclist will change him?

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