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  • Voting BNP…..?????
  • haddock
    Free Member

    I think I may have ticked the wrong box by mistake, with all this it became confusing in the Poll station – does it matter?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    The BNP support is increasing then .. whilst the main two parties are at record lows.

    I think its fair to say alot of that is down to a protest vote, but for how long?

    Labour, conservative parties are almost identical in their policies .. I`m not sayiong the BNP are the best option – but we do need a new ideology in politics.

    Full Member

    You’re right the BNP are not the best option, they are the worst option, there are other piss poor options (UKIP) but even that bunch of jingonistic halfwits would be preferable to Griffin’s bovver boys.

    Free Member

    Well someone’s voting for them in Lancashire, they’ve won a seat on the county council. Also making it quite likely Griffin will get his MEP seat apparently

    Free Member

    Don’t vote, it only encourages them.

    Free Member

    sad day 🙁

    hopefully it will wake up all the protest ‘I can’t be arsed to vote’ people to what happens when you don’t bother to have your say in who will represent you, as its starting to look like those people have inadvertently supported the BNP’s rise.

    Full Member

    a very very sad day

    but i think you can see from oxboys comments that nazis like griffin are quite able to generate support from relatively normal, people when 2 generations ago we were at war with that kind of scum

    Free Member

    nazis like griffin are quite able to generate support from relatively normal

    oxymoron surely (well some kind of moron anyway)? BNP voter not normal in my book 😉

    Free Member

    lol very good mrsflash!
    No quite normal as are most of the other villagers I live with, the BNP came in second behind the Tories. The BNP got a councillor in about 5 miles away too.
    Not protest voting either, people are beginning to open their eyes, lets hope you lot wake up soon eh?!!! Before I have to say I told you so . . .

    Great day!

    Full Member

    Not protest voting either, people are beginning to open their eyes, lets hope you lot wake up soon eh

    You’re a troll right ?

    Free Member

    Oxboy – so you want to kill blacks then? send home all non whites no matter if they were born here?
    Withdraw from the EC?

    Do you have a brain? Do you understand what fasists and Nazis are? The BNP follow the same beliefs as Hitler and his Nazis. Many non white colonial troops ggave their lives in the fight against Naziism. You want the Gurkus to be sent back to Nepal? You want race riots in the streets? Kristalnacht all over again? Burn the Jews as well?

    All these things are the aims of the BNP

    Nasty little nazi idiots like you have no place in Britain.

    Free Member

    I wonder if Oxboy had a bad upbriging/experience or even a troll.

    My Grandfather fought for freedom for this country and the world by risking his life in battle (Sgt Maj) WW2.

    So many people like him that didn’t make it. Sons, Brothers, Fathers and Husbands that didn’t come home.

    I tell you this Ox cube, if Nazis ever came to power they will be defeated again again again and I’ll happily follow my Grandfather’s tradition and fight for freedom with my life.

    I’m glad Dubai, China or India allows People from this country in to do business and also invest in Britain. I wonder how many companies in this country are from other countries.

    Free Member

    Winston Churchill was kicked out of office before the end of the war by people in this country..bringing in a Labour government with a large majority,some reward for his efforts.That proves that the thoughts of electorate in this country are unpredictable/strange to put it mildly !

    Free Member

    they cant do a worce job , than wot this lot have done , and how many BNP politicans have robbed us with expenses etc, dont get me wronge , but ffs.

    Full Member

    they cant do a worce job , than wot this lot have done , and how many BNP politicans have robbed us with expenses etc

    Yeah good point. Forget about the nasty, fascist, racist, xenophobic behaviour so long as they don’t build duck houses. Feel like I wasted my vote now.

    Free Member

    as said some weeks ago , when that list was made public, they didnt bother me then , and they still dont bother me now, i have a few live near to me , wot should i do. , nothing because they are part of a legitimently elected polical party.right or wronge , thats how it is.

    Free Member

    I guess it depends what you consider worse. If you’re a BNP voter then I’m sure they definitely can’t. If you’re a rational, sane human being then I’m sure you’d rather see MPs in gold plated Ferraris than a BNP government.

    Full Member

    That proves that the thoughts of electorate in this country are unpredictable/strange to put it mildly !

    churchill was a brilliant wartime leader but after the war the nation wanted reform, which he opposed, especially the welfare state and the formation of the nhs

    they did elect him backin again though

    Full Member

    just wondering if all you guys think the idea to stop immigration is a good or bad thing.
    with the current state of the country and economy.

    Free Member

    when there is unemployment and recession people look to blame someone immigrants and ethnic minorities usually suffer. people are fuelled by what they read in newspapers when the facts and reality are generally disproving.
    i think we should cut immigration and adopt a policy similar to australia,however i firmly believe we have the best country in the world.
    as for british national party whats british these days we have become so cosmipolitan and if you look at the history of britain were made up of half of europe.
    plus i think skin heads look silly lol

    Full Member

    Winston Churchill was kicked out of office before the end of the war by people in this country..bringing in a Labour government with a large majority,some reward for his efforts.That proves that the thoughts of electorate in this country are unpredictable/strange to put it mildly !

    Or it proves that a persons reputation changes over time. There were many reasons why Churchill was voted out and none of them were down to ingratitude. Lots had to change after the second world war and although history now views Churchill as being the benign saviour, back then he was part of an establishment that many wanted to see the back of.

    Free Member

    Churchill, as great as he was, was a man very much of his time – a war horse and a dam fine one. But his record becomes tarnished when held up to too much scrutiny,

    1. He let Poland down (we went to war to defend them remember)
    2. He was the clown behind Gallipoli and the Dardanelles fiasco in WW1
    3. He could have saved the SS Lusitania, or was that a useful way to get Uncle Sam in to the war (again WW1)

    Churchill was the right man for the job of war the wrong man for putting a shattered state back together in a dysfunctional post war Europe.

    Free Member

    I put Winston in for not allowing the Nazis to win (Thank God we tricked/got help from USA).

    Regardless of Winston’s state record-I wanted to show that Nazis don’t get far.

    Totally agree with points system. Australia doesn’t want spongers and neither should the U.K. Bless those lazy native folks on benefit who would let a migrant clean the toilet instead of taking the job…

    I’ll be looking for work soon-hell if it gets worse I’ll clean loo’s if I have to!

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Oxboy – so you want to kill blacks then?

    Vote Labour and you can have thousands in the Middle East killed in your name instead.

    Free Member

    Oxboy; fancy coming for a curry, in London, sometime?

    Or maybe a Chinese meal? Thai? Carribean? Japanese? Moroccan? Turkish?

    Or maybe some good old fashioned traditional Fish and Chips?

    Pity the BNP is not…

    Free Member

    how many BNP politicans have robbed us with expenses etc

    Most of them. Can’t be bothered finding the links, but it has been posted on here very recently if you were paying attention that some BNP members who have been elected have been far more corrupt than anybody from the major parties.

    Free Member

    Ah, leave Oxboy alone.

    It’s wrong, to mock the afflicted…

    Mods: Please don’t ban Oxboy. We need a diversity of onion, to make the forum the lively, exciting place it is. And he has the rare quality of being able to unite almost all STWers; that’s something you don’t see very often!

    Free Member

    Oxboy, have you ever considered that it’s possible to be aware of the negative aspects of unregulated immigration and it’s effect on low earners wages (although I get the impression that’s not really a concern of yours)but at the same time avoid the knee jerk nationalistic solution suggested by the BNP?
    Do you really think that even if it was desirable to yourself, it would be possible to repatriate millions of British citizens? That sounds like a ricockulous fantasy the BNP have suggested as a policy. I can’t understand why anybody would waste a vote on that.

    Free Member

    Hey I’ve not done anything illegal! This is absolutely unreal! I may (or may not!) have voted for a legal, legitimate political party and people want my head on a stake! So much for our tolerant all embracing society that we live in! 😆 Just goes to show eh! 😆

    Tandamjeremy said ‘Nasty little nazi idiots like you have no place in Britain.’ Well I’m sorry my Jeremy but generation after generation of my family have paid taxes and fought for this isle, one of my ancesters actually won a V.C. for bravery fighting in India in the uprising, so unsurprisingly I feel my place in England is set in concrete and I aint budging!

    Anyway enough of me, where did you lot put your X’s? Will anybody admit to voting . . . . dare I say it Labour !!!!!!

    Oh and Dr Dolittle what does ‘ricockulous’ mean? sounds rude to me!

    Free Member

    well you have been saying you are a nasty little nazi idiot. Your family members if they fought in the second world war who I assume fought against the nazis would turn their grave

    Either that or a troll but Nazis such as you profess to be have no place in britain. You are the antithisis of the british way of life


    Free Member

    Jeremy wrong in so many ways!
    Arrogantly assuming what my dead family members would think really is ridiculous. Why are you even mentioning Nazis? I didnt.

    As for this ‘Either that or a troll but Nazis such as you profess to be have no place in britain.’ what the hell does that mean??? Trolls whats that mean?

    Mind you anybody called Jeremy and rides a tandem has to be a kent its obvious really! (well you did call me scum!)

    Full Member

    So much for our tolerant all embracing society that we live in!

    We’ll tolerate everyone apart from those that cannot tolerate tolerance.

    Just out of curiosity, is it an inadequacy thing with you ? Usually is isn’t it ?

    Free Member

    We’ll tolerate everyone apart from those that cannot tolerate tolerance

    Interesting ! If i was to vote for the Communist party would everyone have the same outrage ?

    Free Member

    Rodders – the communist party while being distasteful to some do not advocate forced removal of 10% of our population, do not incite racial hatred and do not deny the holocaust.

    Oxboy – you said your family had fought for this isle – I assumed in the second world war against the nazis. And here you are supporting nazis.

    A troll is someone who posts on a forum to get reaction espousing opinions that they intend to get a strong reaction. either you are doing this or you really are thick Nazi scum

    Free Member

    Calm down! Calm down!

    Oh sh1t a n other racial stereotype 🙄

    Full Member

    Okay. Think there’s enough evidence about to PROVE to any doubters that the BNP are a nasty, small minded, ignorant racist party.

    Which makes anyone who votes for them a nasty, small minded, ignorant racist.

    If this is you, then just admit it. Not admitting your true beliefs makes you even worse, IMO.

    So come on Oxboy, tell us the truth – if not, then fine, we’ll just draw our own conclusions from your posts so far.

    All your pathetic self-justification about what your family did in the past is irrelevant.
    ‘The past is another country – people do things differently there.’

    We’re here, now.
    Population size and immigration are separate issues, and racial prejudice has no place in those debates, unless brought to the table by the the racially prejudiced, so stop blurring the issue.

    You encouraged people to vote for racists – I know what I think that makes you. What do you think?

    Free Member

    one of my ancesters actually won a V.C. for bravery fighting in India in the uprising, so unsurprisingly I feel my place in England is set in concrete and I aint budging!

    Oh, you mean fighting for the British against the people of a country which Britain had invaded, occupied, raped it of it’s resources, and oppressed it’s people? Coming from the other side of the coin, I woon’t see as how any involvement in such events cold be considered ‘honourable’.

    My dad was one of waves of immigrants who were invited over, by the British government from places like the Indian Subcontinent, the Carribean and Africa, to help fix Britain up, after WW2. To do the shitty jobs that British people din’t want to do. He suffered prejudice, pathetic wages, and shitty living conditions, but perservered, so’s he could build a life in this country, and be able to provide financial support for his impoverished family back home. Having lived almost all his adult life in Britain, he has paid his taxes, and contributed to British society. Indeed, such has been the impact of people from his country on the local area, that part of it has been named Banglatown, in recognition of the important part people from Bangladesh played, in developing the local economy and culture.

    I always consider myself extremely lucky, to have grown up shoulder to shoulder with people from all corners of the Globe, and see all people as equally worthy of respect and important to society. The Britain I know, MY Britain, is a place where diversity is welcomed, where new ideas are embraced, and culture is constantly evolving.

    That’s the Britain I love. That’s the Britain I’d fight for. Against any scum who would seek to destroy what I love.

    I feel sorry for you, for being so blinkered and ignorant, that you can’t see what a wonderful thing it is, to live in a nation who’s doors have been open to all.

    My ancestors also fought for this Isle. But they din’t fight so that scum like the BNP would surface.

    So, come and have a curry. Let’s have a chat, and see if we can’t open up that narrow little mind of yours.

    Free Member

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Curry!

    Free Member

    Oxboy – Member

    Ernies got the hump!

    One comment you made
    ‘Shame, because it’s worth remembering how 65 years ago on D Day, countess young men laid down their lives to defeat an ideology based on hate. We owe it to them.’
    I see the Labour Party our government felt so strongly about it they werent going to bother celebrating it until they were pressured and of course its now a half arsed cock up. Same as St Georges day they really make a big deal of that day dont they?

    ‘Well let me explain it to you. I would rather have a family of respectable devote muslims as neighbours, than have a family of grunting knuckle-dragging musclehead neanderthal half-brains, living next door to me. Any minute of the week. And I suspect, most people would agree with me.’
    mmmm. I dont fancy either thanks, where do you live where you only get those two options? so thats one person who doesnt agree for a start.
    ‘Oxboy, you daft racist muppet. You still haven’t answered my question : how should non-white or non-British born forum users vote ?’
    Of course you should vote for what you believe in if you qualify. Thats the way we do it here! Daft racist muppet?? Ernie I expected better from you! (I didnt!)
    ‘BTW, how did this thread get bogged down in talking about immigration ? It’s not about immigration. The BNP might be very happy that everyone’s talking about immigration, but that’s not the issue. The issue is that the BNP is a very nasty, racist and fascist party. Immigration is a different issue all together.’
    WTF Immigration is part of the issue of course it is, the reason why the BNP is happy about people talking about immigration is because we do have a problem, people are worried. The BNP are up front and open about their thoughts on this, are any of the main stream parties? I think not thats the problem. You daft muppet!! (your phrase)

    And finally because I am now getting bored
    ‘You are playing right into their hands’
    I think not I think its the other way round, if the Labour party had thought about what they were doing then the BNP would have gone out of business, the reason the BNP is gaining in popularity is because of the Labour government and their policies end of.

    Ernie to be honest I dont care if you think I am a racist to be honest that label doesnt bother me in the slightest. I dont like what is happening to my Country and I will vote against it, thats it.
    Posted 1 day ago # Report-Post


    Gosh Oxboy, that was a long post for you. And I am not surprised that towards the end, you say that you are getting bored – the intellectual challenge must have taxed your neanderthal brain to it’s very limits mate.

    Me got the hump ? Well not really, ‘disappointed’ would be a better word to express how I feel now. Disappointed that presumably I will have wait until the next lot of elections to witness the amusing sight of you making a complete tw4t of yourself as you tell forum users to vote for a bunch of hate-filled homophobic and racist neo-nazi thugs.


    I see that you are still refusing to answer my question concerning how non-white or non-British born forum users should vote, preferring instead to say, “you should vote for what you believe in”. And yet you are not so reticent to tell people to vote BNP. Am I to take it that the advise you give is only for white British born forum users ? Why won’t you give forum users who aren’t white British born your advice ? Are they not worthy of it ? Do they not count ? I find that really very insulting and offensive.

    Still, at least it means that you are hardly in a position to complain about me being insulting and offensive to you, you daft racist muppet.


    So you think voting Labour is an insult to those young men who died on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day fighting ‘an ideology based on hate’ do you ? But voting for a racist homophobic hate-filled bunch of neo-nazis who’s leader has publicly said, that Hitler wasn’t that bad and that he never built gas chambers, isn’t an insult to them, eh ? Obviously the bit about you being a daft racist muppet is completely right then.

    30 seconds into this video Nick Griffin says that the Nazis only ‘shot Jews’ for being communists and that it is ‘nonsense’ to say gas chambers existed.

    The Nazis weren’t that bad after all


    I also see, that you openly admit you would have a problem living next door to a respectable muslim family. Care to explain why a bigot like you has a problem with that ? I’m intrigued. Would you also have a problem with a gay couple living next door to you ? You fascist freak.


    “Daft racist muppet?? Ernie I expected better from you!”

    That is undoubtedly, the only valid point you made in your diatribe. Yes of course I can do much better than that. Unfortunately I’m restricted by the swear filter, you daft racist muppet.

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