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  • East Lothian Rideout; Sunday 26th September
  • druidh
    Free Member

    Biggest TBC evening ride so far has been 23….

    Free Member

    Well I hope to make it but might be begging fora lift tomorrow.

    Am I indecisive? I am not sure

    Free Member

    Anyone able to offer a lift from Trinity?

    Full Member

    If you can get a bit to the south you gotta deal, Kit – say, around Tollcross / The Cameo for 10?

    Free Member

    I’ll think about it Rob. TBH I’m seriously lacking motivation to ride, and I don’t know if I can be arsed riding all the way up to Tollcross with my stuff.

    Thanks for the offer though, I’ll text you later when I’ve made my mind up.

    Full Member

    Since Bruce has gotten cake in it would be rude not to come along for the ride.

    7Hz – do you still have room for a bike and rider in exchange for petrol pennies?

    Free Member

    hope you can make it Kit :o
    where is jimmy?, France?,
    was out on some of tommorrows trails early this morning and there still dry despite the rain the other day, looking good!

    Free Member

    debaser – You are 1st passenger booked on the Surf Express leaving from corner of Easter Road and Harrismith Place at 10.15 tomorrow! Dinnae worry about petrol money…

    Kit – If you can make it to Albion Road from Trinity, you are welcome as well.

    Just turn up and I’ll spot you, Green Surf is parked on corner ready. If you need to contact me, I think CoastKid has my mobile number from a PM I sent him on MTBR.


    Free Member

    Well decisions made – We both would like to join in so looking for a tandem friendly lift from leith / edinburgh – . Todays riding was not too strenuous so there are miles left in the legs. Druidh – are you taking the uglipla?

    If no tandem lift available we will ride out and bail halfway to ride back

    Ta folks

    Full Member

    cheers 7Hz, shall see you there at 1015.

    Free Member

    great to see a tandem on the trails TJ :o
    hope you can make it!

    Free Member

    Coastkid – we will probably end up riding out and therefore only able to join you for a few miles not the whole thing unless a saviour with a big roofrack / estate car / van pops up. Times like this not owning a car is a pain.

    I must get a tow behind a motorbike sorted.

    Free Member

    I’ll have the van but don’t think it’s long enough, otherwise I’d give you a lift back. Not saying where to mind.

    Free Member

    steve – it goes in a small van – wheels off its under 6 ft. We have had it in a mondeo hatchback before now

    That would be great if possible

    Free Member

    Righto, I’ll take some of the crap out of it tonight to make space. I’ll ignore comments about taking me on extra hilly routes.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    7hz – got a lift organised, but thanks.

    Will be bringing me camera with the long lens so everyone: make sure you’re all dolled up and looking sweet for the camera ;)

    Free Member

    Doh, don’t have enough time to get ready for the long lens, will rough and ready do?

    Free Member

    Just had a call from the Hospice, so count me out.

    Mibbe next time.

    Have a good one.

    Free Member

    Lovely day for it. Would have been worth coming along just to see the tandem in action however have to head out and buy a car later so just ended up doing a local ride in the Pentlands.

    Free Member

    Great ride coastkid!

    Good to meet you all and what a cracking day as well as great guiding and cake :-)

    Next – long hot bath!

    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    Just had a call from the Hospice, so count me out.


    thoughts with you old chap.

    Free Member

    Well I am cream crackered. Absolutely puggled.

    Thanks to steve for the lift back otherwise we would still be on the road somewhere. Or possibly sleeping in a hedge

    Thanks to Coastkid fro the guiding – altho I have learnt that time and distance seems a little flexible in east Lothian / coastkidworld. “Its only a couple of miles to the cake stop” ” No more climbing” yeah right.

    Grand day out tho. Very scenic and good company. Ta

    Free Member

    You didn’t fall for the old ‘just a couple miles more’ chestnut did you?

    Free Member

    Afraid so – I have learnt for the future tho

    Full Member

    Fantastic day out! Can’t believe how lucky we were with the weather. Great company, though a few folks whose names or STW monikers I never caught; chap on the white Cannondale hardtail, and the 456 and sideburns of magnitude I could only ever dream of growing?

    Am rather knackered, too; many thanks to Tom for the lift back to Pencaitland.

    Free Member

    “This is the last gate TJ”. Uh huh…

    Epic ride, stunning scenery at times (particularly when following HH) and niiiiice cake :)

    Free Member

    Can I give a speshul thanks to Mrs TJ for retaining her good humour as I dumped her in two beds of nettles in the first 20 mins?

    I am off to work now – nice 12 hr nightshift. Think of me as you enjoy your beer and beds :-(

    Full Member

    Sympathetic vibes emitted, TJ!

    Free Member

    Ive got that Stranglers song in my head; 5 minutes (and were almost there…) :o i see a Stranglers soundtrack for the films…
    Thanks to all who turned up and hope you liked my neck of the woods/trails…yep its the small county with big skys…
    hard keeping track of time and distances when out enjoying ones self…:o
    Well done TJ who after riding his grand tandem is now off to a 12 nightshift!, thanks for the shot of the tandem with Gary,thats a cool machine,
    The weather has been lovely today as was the trail conditions and the company and some fine whiskey`s :o waiting on pics uploading…

    Full Member

    cheers folks, that was a grand day oot. thanks for showing us around your neck of the woods Bruce… great riding, cake and company.

    456 and mutton chops were mine Andy :D

    hopefully see some of you out and about soon.


    Free Member

    Most of my photos were a bit gash, but I saved some of them, including these:

    Biplane[/url] by Ginger F0x[/url], on Flickr

    Rolling fields[/url] by Ginger F0x[/url], on Flickr

    TJ and flowers[/url] by Ginger F0x[/url], on Flickr

    Clifftop Riding[/url] by Ginger F0x[/url], on Flickr

    7Hz[/url] by Ginger F0x[/url], on Flickr

    Gary[/url] by Ginger F0x[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    A grand day out indeed – can’t believe how clement the weather was towards the end there.
    Cheers Bruce for calling us out, soome sections of that would definitely go on my top-trails list. And for the food and tour. Pics 2moro..

    Free Member

    Made it to football, I was rubbish, now totally fubared, gubbed, etc, etc zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzCheers Bruce, but get a new watch :lol:

    Full Member

    where is jimmy?, France?

    shame to miss this, looks good. Was indeed in France / Spain / Bury St Edmunds / Chesterfield. Look forward to another one soon…

    Free Member

    some pics…

    Flickr set…[/url]

    Full Member

    Great pics Kit, lovely depth like you said.

    A couple more of my efforts –




    Repeating myself, but I’m quite pleased with this one –




    Free Member

    Nice pics chaps

    Free Member
    He He!! :D Well saved!

    Ace day out guys, Godd to meet you all! thanks to Bruce for his route, hospitality and enthusiasm and big thanks to Tom for saving me from a spending the night at Drem train Station ;)

    Full Member

    p.s. for anyone wondering why I kept banging on about the geese…check this out.[/url] (Aberlady bay the previous night)

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