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  • Three Peaks Cyclocross
  • MrSparkle
    Full Member

    Not long now…

    Full Member

    Bring it on!
    Who's in then? I'll be on a red/black S-Works Tricross, blue club kit.

    Free Member

    I'm in. I might be on a Ragley Rodwell, if they're here in time.

    I will have to learn to ride/crash without my trusty disc brakes though.

    I'm really, really, really, really looking forward to this. Dunno why – it's hell!

    Free Member

    Aye! Lets hope it stays fine and not windy.
    I really don't want a wet and wild peaks…..ever!!

    Who's going to win then? Or is this almost a forgone conclusion?

    My ones to watch are…….(in no particular order)

    Jebby (7 time winner)
    Steve Bottomley (wily old campaigner)
    Nick Craig (wily (not as old) campaigner)
    Neal Crampton ( new kid on the block)
    Chris Young ( flying at the moment)
    Andy Peace ( peaks veteran)

    Full Member

    Eek/Yay in equal amounts

    (once again I've failed to prepare properly, which should make it interesting…)

    Full Member

    iamin. Done a grand total of one off road ride on the cx bike so far. I *may* need to do some more…

    Free Member

    I thought this was months ago…

    Full Member

    simonfbarnes – Member

    I thought this was months ago…

    It was, 12 months ago more or less.

    Free Member

    I will be riding. Black kinesis, red and grey team kit.
    See you there.

    Free Member

    I'll be there

    Free Member

    I'll be there, bit worried as my plans to practise carrying my bike have not happened!

    Free Member

    I will there, Empella Bonfire trying to keep up with Jebby … Not.

    Free Member

    I'll be there..

    Waving as you all ride past..

    I'm pit bitching for the lads from York Cycleworks..

    Full Member

    Due to be, but 'unstraightened' my rear wheel on Sunday.
    Advice for a decent (<£100) disc wheel?
    I'm thinking XT/Open Pro?
    This will be my first 3PX and though I've prepared quite well (ask my bent wheel) I've a feeling it's going to hurt – can't wait.
    Just need to avoid the swine flu outbreak at work now.

    Free Member

    should be there, 1st 3 peaks, black dolan i would imagine near the back

    Free Member

    simonfbarnes – Member
    I thought this was months ago…

    do you need extra time to dust off your annual 3 Peaks flamebait posts? ;)

    Full Member

    YGM re lift.

    Full Member

    I'll be there, black Genesis Vapour, behind karnali.

    Is it jey to use pipe cladding?

    Free Member

    Full respect :D

    Free Member

    Bought a cross bike a week ago and have so far only ridden it on the road – so should be interesting 8O

    I'm going to concentrate on pipping MrSparkle at the finish as per usual :-)

    Seasoned 3 peaksters,
    Is it worth fitting a mtb cassette for the race?

    Full Member

    Is it jey to use pipe cladding?

    god i hope not…last year I just used the survival bag you have to carry, this year I will be strapping the cushions from my sofa to the top tube :-)

    Seasoned 3 peaksters,
    Is it worth fitting a mtb cassette for the race?

    Nah, you'll be walking no matter what. I was fine with a compact chainset (50/34) and a 12-27t cassette last time

    Full Member

    Seasoned 3 peaksters,
    Is it worth fitting a mtb cassette for the race?

    I did last year and it made a difference especially on PyG – there's a pic somewhere of me riding through a group of people walking/carrying their bikes. Just sorted the CX out for this year. New tyres, fitted the 12-34 cassette and cleaned/checked. So now my only excuse is myself rather than the bike…

    Free Member

    I'm so excited. :P

    Free Member

    I'll be on a bright orange (borrowed) Salsa that is considerably better than me. Shall we all wear badges?

    I woke up in the night thinking about the Three Peaks. Not scared, oh no. Oh and the difference between carrying with and without a bit of pipe lagging is astonishing.

    Some waffle here…

    Free Member

    I hear Jeremiah Bishop's going this year. That should be good!

    Free Member

    Nah, you'll be walking no matter what. I was fine with a compact chainset (50/34) and a 12-27t cassette last time

    So 38-28 won't be low enough?.

    Maybe i should put the compact on :?:

    Full Member

    I wanted to go to cheer on a club mate (he's quite handy – has finished in the top 15 before), but I have been formally barred byt Mrs North. Something to do with the race falling on my birthday and not being allowed to do cycling stuff on that day. WTF?

    Full Member

    So 38-28 won't be low enough?.

    Maybe i should put the compact on

    well, i was fine with 34/27 on the bits that were rideable, though i wasn't exactly spinning a high cadence…the unrideable bits are extremely unrideable, not matter what you've got on your bike :D

    Full Member

    34/27 is what I use normally, my usual CX riding is in the Peak District (and yes, it does most of what I'd do on a mountain bike!).
    That gearing is generally OK, I can get out of Roych Clough on it for example.

    Three Peaks however I really like having the 1:1 ratio. It's WAY lower than I'd normally consider but by PyG I'm normally WAY more f****** than I would be on any regular ride! Besides, riding is generally easier than walking/pushing/carrying plus it helps to demoralise my fellow competitors. ;-)

    Free Member

    Somebody pass the cheese to ourmaninthenorth!

    Pipe lagging is a must have in my opinion.especially for when you're running down with the bike shouldered.

    I've got a pad on the seat tube/top tube junction, a small bit half way down the down tube for my kidney area and a bigger bent bit behind the head tube junctions where my right arm comes through.(this took a right battering last year and was badly bruised!)

    All I've got to do this week is change my bars as my super cool extra wide 46cm Salsa bell lap drops are outlawed apparently!

    Full Member

    I'm going to concentrate on pipping MrSparkle at the finish as per usual

    Set your sights higher, sonny… :-)

    Free Member

    I'm number 56 on the list!

    Full Member

    New wheels ordered.
    Only swine flu can stop me now.
    I fear the onset of over excitement……

    Full Member

    look out for my mate with JD Cycles, just fnished 8th in End to end on isle of man, Stef Macina!!

    Free Member

    What tyres are you all using ? think I will stick with the land cruisers ,if I can shke off the injury

    Free Member

    Guessing too late to enter? :lol:

    Free Member

    re think on the bike no longer a black dolan but a mass of pipe lagging and some black stays, longish training ride saturday over whinlatter and a couple of other small hills nearby if anyone fancies it starting near cockermouth, but it won't be fast

    Full Member

    longish training ride saturday over whinlatter and a couple of other small hills nearby if anyone fancies it starting near cockermouth, but it won't be fast

    Count me in, if your mrs will look after our kids (I'm single parent this W/E) :wink:

    I thought line choice was just for downhillas??

    Full Member

    I shall be there – spectating not participating. Likely to be cheering you on around the Ribblehead viaduct, best of luck folks.

    Full Member

    Right I'm off to find some pipe lagging. Hope there's no frost . .

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